
Answers for Leaders

10 Great Tips to Make Your Homeschool Graduation a Success!

Caps, gowns, diplomas, songs, seating, cakes, food…how in the world do you put it all together? Where will you have it? What will the ceremony consist of? How many people will attend? So many questions and so little time! This weekend we are having our homeschool group graduation. We’ve done it and you can too!…

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9 Effective Ways to Motivate People to Volunteer in Your Homeschool Group

Have you ever beat your head against the wall trying to find volunteers? Or maybe you have to constantly take over positions because no one shows up? Or maybe you would love to have a science class on Fridays for the 13 year olds but you don’t have time to do it yourself? We’ve all…

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How to Avoid Problems in Your Homeschool Group: Here’s a Handbook!

When our co-op first started, we didn’t have any rules written down. It ended up being a nightmare for our leaders! (Click here to get the whole story! ) In desperation we contacted Mrs. Wine, someone many of us knew because she had YEARS of experience running co-ops in our area. She gladly let us…

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How to Avoid Problems in Your Homeschool Group: High School Handbook

Here is our high school handbook. Feel free to use it as a model for your high school group to set expectations and prevent problems before they start! HOMESCHOOL CO-OP HIGH SCHOOL HANDBOOK TEACHER EXPECTATIONS ❖ The teacher is expected to choose, plan, and prep the curriculum. ❖ A syllabus is required for high school…

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How to Avoid Gossip, Conflict, and Misunderstanding: Trust Agreement

The idea for this Trust Agreement was given to us by one of our incredible mentors, Mrs. P, who runs a wonderful private Lutheran School in our town. We modified it a bit, and here is the end result! This agreement starts with versus from the Bible that model the Trust Agreement method. If you…

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How to Deal With Gossip, Conflict, and Misunderstanding

Sunday night I got a call. It was Barbara. “I have something I need to talk to you about tomorrow at co-op. It’s very important. I’d like Meagan to be there.” “Uh…ok,” I replied. “Would you like to tell me about it now?” “No, I’d rather talk about it tomorrow. Is there a time we…

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4 Ways to Find Teachers

1. Don’t forget the community! Recruiting teachers is a constant challenge with almost any homeschool co-op. Here are 4 great ways to fill those all-important jobs. The community is a resource that is so often overlooked. There are many people in the community who have the time and interest to teach at your co-op, either…

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What to do When Your Leadership Team Mutinies…and it’s All Your Fault!

When our co-op first started it was pretty small and we knew a lot of the families, so even though there were a few problems, it was pretty minimal. But when we grew and added new families that we didn’t know, things began to get a little crazy! Every week we were putting out fires:…

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