Last Tuesday I had an AWESOME DAY!
- Got up early
- Worked out
- Cooked a healthy breakfast
- Helped the kids with their schoolwork
- Got the kids caught up on some late homework
- Cleaned the kitchen, my room, the bathrooms
- Made a wonderful dinner
- Played outside with the kids
- Had a great conversation with my teenager while teaching her to drive
- Worked on my blog
- Spent time with my husband
If only that was the rule and not the exception! NORMAL DAY…
- Wake up early to dirty kitchen
- Escape to gym to avoid kitchen
- Come back and rearrange dirty dishes so there’s enough room to cook breakfast
- Rearrange stuff on the table so we can eat breakfast
- Let kids watch just ONE more episode of Arthur while I take a shower
- Never make it to the shower because I walked by the couch
- Finish last episode with the kids
- Yell at everyone frantically to hurry up and get their chores done because we are 30 minutes behind schedule
- Finished prepping for science while the kids clean up because I forgot to do it last week
- Have the kids sit in the kitchen so I can wash dishes, sweep, clean counters, and prep for dinner while I help with grammar, writing, math, and spelling at the same time.
- Eat a healthy lunch of frozen pizza
- Teach geography, science, Spanish, art, and read aloud
- Collapse into a coma on the couch while the kids…actually I have no idea what they were doing…
- Wake up and yell at the kids to get off YouTube and GO OUTSIDE!
- Stumble into the kitchen….open the door and yell at the kids to COME BACK IN and clean up
- Help the kids clean up from lunch, science experiements, art, workbooks, writing, snacks, Sonic cups from the quick run we made for geography…you know, orange sodas for studying Florida….oranges…..Florida….you know….
- Make dinner
- Leave dinner on the table for everyone else while I run kids to dance, soccer, baseball, etc.
- Realize belatedly as I walk out the door that I never got a shower and I’m still wearing my workout clothes….
- Catch up on the 500 emails I got that day while I’m at the practice
- Come home, walk passed the dirty dinner dishes, see my husband on the couch
- Sink into the couch
- Listen to my husband tell me about his day
- See a pillow and blanket left from this morning when the kids were watching Arthur
- Snuggle up on the couch
- Try to remember what my husband was just saying
- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz