21 Super Fun Activities to do With Your Little Kids This Summer
21 Super Fun Activities to do With Your Little Kids This Summer
Get a big flat rubbermaid box or cardboard box and fill it with cornmeal (or rice, beans, or sand). Add toys, matchbox cars, scoops, muffin pans, etc.
Get a big blanket or sheet, set it on the deck, and put out playdo and playdo toys or plastic knives, cookie cutters, toothpicks, tubes to roll the playdo, etc.
Find a great patch of dirt and get out the matchbox cars. Create roads, parking spots, etc. Choose a lump of grass as your house or designate a bucket as your supermarket. Play town!
Get the chalk out and create a town on the driveway for your matchbox cars. Make roads, a police station, school, playground, gas station, etc.
Get chalk and make roads for your riding toys. Have someone be the police officer and give people tickets for speeding or running red lights! (That is really fun!)
Put a tent in the yard…even if you don’t sleep in it. Just set it up for a few hours. Lots of fun!
Get a kite and fly it. Older kids like this too.
Play in the sprinkler.
Make a sprinkler out of a pool noodle. Just poke holes in it and attach it to the hose with some duct tape.
Give them a little gardening shovel and let them dig in the garden.
Plant seed or small plants/flowers together.
Set up a “science lab” outside on the grass. Lay down an old sheet of plastic, give them kid’s science beakers and goggles (or use what you have on hand…kitchen funnels, clear plastic cups, scoops, etc.) give them soap, syrup, ketchup, vinegar & baking soda (for a real–but safe–reaction), oil, food coloring, etc….might need some old clothes for this one!
Play tag
Go swimming (ALL ages like this!)
when you push them, each time make an animal noise. This gets a great laugh.
Or let them yell out which animal to be and then sometimes make the wrong noise. Also funny!
Do an underdog! (run under the swing when you push it.)
Stand in front of them while they are swinging and pretend to get hit and fall over when they “kick” you with their legs.
Twist the swing so that it spins.
Go for a hike through the woods, at a conservation area, at the beach, or in the mountains…wherever you happen to be that may have interesting animals/plants, or scope for creativity
Take riding toys, scooters, bikes to the school playground or parking lot (in the summer when no one is there).
Go to the school football/track field in the summer. Play in the sand in the jumping pit or play games like Pac-Man tag (you can only run on the lines while tagging and fleeing) or regular tag, do cartwheels or tumbles on the turf, do a race on the track.
Have a hunt: get a stuffed animal and hide it in the yard, have them find it. Repeat!
Put a big blanket out of the deck, patio, or driveway and fill it with their favorite toy: small dolls & accessories, trains, etc.
Take them to a sprinkler park. Bring large plastic cups to catch the water while they’re playing in it. They love this!